You can also add dependent packages here and run your code Online with out any installation. } Check Result here How to run your program 1. Just goto OneCompiler and choose the programming language as Java and enjoy programming without any installation.You don't need to install any software or compiler.Add System variables at the end of /etc/profile file.Set the PATH of Java installation path in the environment variables.
Download the software from Oracle Downloads. Platform independent and hence run anywhere like mobiles, Windows, linux, MacOS based machines or mainframe systems literally anywhere as long as JRE is in place. Fully object oriented programming language. 3 billion devices run on Java like ATM's, Routers, Switches, SmartCards, Printers, Sensors and many other devices. Java is in market from almost 25 years. It's free of cost and platform independent. Powerful development IDE's like Eclipse, NetBeans, IntelliJ IDEA, etc. Java developers are offered with high salaries. Java is the most commonly used language and it's always good to know Java concepts to learn other programming languages. Ranked as #1 programming language according to TIOBE 2020 Index. Compilation of java programs return byte code which can be run on any platform using JVM(java virtual machine). Very popular and widely used programming language. Java can be used to develop anything and almost everything like web applications, web servers, application servers, mobile applications and so on. Java is a very popular programming language.