This made it a lot more popular, but we got a significant amount of feedback that Release the Wolves activating on every kill made it difficult to control the weapon’s ammo consumption. Lord of Wolves received a massive increase in damage with the full benefits of the Shotgun changes in Season of the Drifter. Ironically, this change was made to address the perceived downsides of the weapon’s perk, as Bungie indicated: But after a recent change, the gun’s perk can now be activated at will. Previously, this perk activated on a kill. Release the Wolves changes the gun’s burst fire from five shots to ten and increases each shot’s damage.

But its unique perk is what makes it so deadly. Lord of Wolves is a powerful exotic shotgun, a weapon class that’s long been a favorite in the Crucible in Destiny 2. It’s still a powerful choice in the Crucible, but no longer the absolutely dominating force it once was.

Update: Since this article’s publication, Lord of Wolves was - as expected - nerfed. Make sure to go after bounties that grant legendary rewards, and remember that Spider’s bounties reset daily, so you at least have plenty of chances to find the Lord of Wolves. There’s no way around it here - make your peace with the RNG gods and get hunting. Third, the Lord of Wolves is a random drop from bounty completion. Second, the bounties will take you all around the world of Destiny 2, so they’re somewhat time consuming. First, you need to farm ghost parts on the Tangled Shore to trade to Spider for the bounties. The good news is that these aren’t particularly challenging bounties to complete. They involve finding a “wanted” enemy in a particular Lost Sector and eliminating it. You might remember completing some of these bounties during Forsaken. The only way to obtain this powerful shotgun is through completing bounties for Spider, the Fallen crime lord players encounter during the Forsaken campaign. It also isn’t available as a random drop in the world.

Unfortunately, there’s no Exotic quest that grants the Lord of Wolves in Destiny 2. Destiny 2 Iron Banner Season 7 Quest Guide.But in the meantime, if you want to get one, then here’s our guide on how to find the Lord of Wolves in Destiny 2. Bungie is looking into nerfing the powerful shotgun, as recent changes to the weapon have led to it dominating the Crucible. The Lord of Wolves is tearing things up in Destiny 2right now, and plenty of players are looking to get their hands on one of their very own.