Dnd 5e all races
Dnd 5e all races

dnd 5e all races

Warforged– Formed from a blend of inorganic and organic materials, Warforged are built as weapons that need to find a meaning or a purpose beyond the war.Their racial traits are +1 dexterity, dark vision, keen senses, shifting. Shifter – The were-touched or the shifters are humanoids having the aspect of the bestial aspect.Their racial traits are +1 charisma, +1 wisdom, +1 any ability, dual mind, mental discipline, mind link, psychic glamour, severed from dreams. Kalashtar – The Kalashtar are created by the union of humanity and renegade spirits from the plane of dreams and are a compound race.Their racial traits are +2 charisma, +1 dexterity or intelligence, change appearance, changeling instincts, unsettling visage, divergent persona. Changeling – With a thought as a form of emotional and artistic expression a changeling can channel its power to change its form and face.Their racial traits are +2 dexterity, +1 intelligence, dark vision, hellish resistance, infernal legacy.

dnd 5e all races

The tieflings activities involve stuff like being greeted with stares and whispers, to see mistrust and fear in everyone’s eyes and to suffer violence. Their racial traits are +2 strength, +1 wisdom, claws, hold breath, natural armor, shell defense, survival instinct. They are eager to explore the wilderness. Tortle is nomad survivalists whose life is considered to be an adventure while many Tortle consider it a simple life. Their racial traits are +1 intelligence, githyanki or githerai traits. The giths long ago rose up to overthrow the mind flayers that held them in servitude but two factions arose that remain, bitter enemies, today. Their racial traits are +1 constitution, +2 charisma, black blood healing, limited telepathy, persuasive, telepathic insight. The verdan’s do their best to find their way in an unfamiliar world by owing their existence to chaos. Their racial traits are +2 strength, +1 dexterity, Natural Armour, observant & athletic, leviathan will, limited amphibiousness. They have endured war, slavery, and mistreatment by the hands of other aquatic folks. Locathah these are the fish folk that is resilient and proud at the same time. Their racial traits are +1 constitution, +2 strength, natural athlete, stone’s endurance, powerful build, mountain born.

dnd 5e all races

Every day is a new day and every day is a challenge for the goliaths. Race options for Dungeons and Dragons 5e for all published books, Unearthed Arcana, and the Elemental Evil Players Companion.

Dnd 5e all races