Divinity original sin items
Divinity original sin items

divinity original sin items

For example, if you dismiss a Companion after you’ve reached the Hollow Marshes, your Companion may be found at the Seekers Hideout or the Sanctuary of Amadia instead, where you can also have your party’s Source Collars removed.

divinity original sin items

Note that Companions will relocate as you progress through the game. Check out our guide on all Companion locations in Divinity: Original Sin 2 if you need help finding each character. To recruit them back, make sure you have a free space in your party for another member, and return to where you met the dismissed Companion to recruit them again. If you dismissed a Companion while in Fort Joy, they will return to the area where you initially met them. Note that non-player characters cannot start a conversation with the player character.

divinity original sin items

Tell your Companion that you wish to part ways with them, and they will be dismissed from your party. A dialogue box will pop up with several options in it. To dismiss a Companion from your party, approach the character you want to dismiss and click on them to begin talking to them. Follow the steps in this guide to find out how to dismiss a Companion in Divinity: Original Sin 2 and where they go. Luckily, removing a Companion from your party is rather simple, and you can always go back to recruit them again if you wish. You can only have up to four members in your party, including your own, which means you may need to shuffle some characters in and out before you have the party setup you desire. In Divinity: Original Sin 2, there will come a time when you may want to dismiss a Companion to swap them out for another character.

Divinity original sin items